Oregon City
United Methodist Church

18955 S South End Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045
What is a sacrament?
As we strive to walk with God in the example of Jesus Christ, we understand that living as a Christian is not always easy. How do you show the love, compassion, and generosity of God to a world that is too often trapped in love of self, fear, and greed. To help us along the journey, we believe God gave us various means of grace in which we can be fed and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. In The United Methodist Church, two of these means of grace are recognized as sacraments; Baptism and Holy Communion.

We believe when we take on a life that follows after the teachings of Christ, we leave our old life behind and begin a new life as a new creation in the power of the Holy Spirit. Baptism, the act of going under the water and emerging from it, is the outward and visible sign of this inward transformation through which we invite Jesus into our life. By this act we commit to live as changed beings. We believe the Holy Spirit works on us and in us leading up to, during, and perpetually after this act of committed faith. In The United Methodist Church we practice Baptism by pouring water over the head of the persons being baptized, though other forms of baptism can be requested.

Holy Communion
On the first Sunday of every month we celebrate Holy Communion; also commonly referred to as the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist. It is a remembrance of the night in which Jesus gave himself up for us so the way of salvation would be open. Far more than just a remembrance, we believe by this celebration we also...
give thanks for God’s blessings in our lives,
receive God’s grace through the Holy Spirit present in the meal,
are offered fellowship and invitation to be active members in the body of Christ,
commit ourselves as a “holy and living sacrifice” in Christian service to the world,
look forward to that future when the transformative and redemptive work of God is complete with the full healing of creation and all God’s peoples.
In The United Methodist Church we practice an open Communion. Everyone is welcome to participate. We believe Christ invites to the table all who love him, who wholeheartedly wish to live as changed persons, and who seek to live in peace with our many diverse neighbors throughout the world.