Oregon City
United Methodist Church
18955 S South End Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045
This Week and
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Check it out here. Each week we'll update this page to let you know what our preacher will be speaking on.
Join us this Sunday, August 11th at 10:00am
For a Service of Word and Prayer
as Pastor Tom brings the message
An Odd Tales Summer: Testing the Lord Your God, 101
Welcome to the Season of Kingdomtide
Kingdomtide is the season between the day of Pentecost and the season of Advent. It is a time often used to focus on the teachings of the prophets, Jesus Christ, and the epistles (or the letters of the disciples). Kingdomtide also has a number of special days: Trinity Sunday, World Communion Sunday, Reformation Day, All Saints and All Souls, and Reign of Christ Sunday. This Kingdomtide, we'll be taking a deeper look at some of the odd stories of the Bible; the ones we don't usually hear about from the pulpit or the ones that really make us think, 'Now what did the prophet mean by that?'
This Sunday we look to Judges 6:11-40. Gideon was the fifth Judge of Israel after the time of Joshua. Yet, when Gideon was called, he had a few strange requests. Three times Gideon asked for a sign from God, so he could be sure it was God who was speaking with him and calling him into action.
Do you believe in signs and omens?
Have you ever asked God for a sign? Do you believe God answered you?
What other spiritual practices do you have to hear God's voice or discern God's will for your life?
How do you discern what is a sign and what is a coincidence?
Sunday, August 18: An Odd Tales Summer: Careful the Vows You Make
Thirteenth Sunday of Kingdomtide
Judges 11 - The eighth Judge of Israel was Jephthah, an outcast in his own family, and a raider who became a chief of Gilead when Israel became desperate for a leader again. Only, Jephthah made a careless vow that later cost the life of his one and only child, his daughter.
Sunday, August 25: An Odd Tales Summer: YHWH Before Dagon
Fourteenth Sunday of Kingdomtide
1 Samuel 4-6 - The Hebrew Scriptures are full of the tales of Israel battling with the nations around them. Sometimes they were victorious. Sometimes they were defeated. Did you know there was one battle where Israel was so confident God was on their side they brought the Ark of the Covenant, the seat of God’s judgment, to the battlefield, and ended up letting the Ark of the Covenant get captured? But that wasn’t the end of the story.
Sunday, September 1: An Odd Tales Summer:
A King, a Psychic, and the Prophet
Fifteenth Sunday of Kingdomtide
1 Samuel 28:3-25 - King Saul, in desperation, seeks advice from the prophet Samuel. But Samuel has died, so Saul must consult with a medium to contact Samuel's spirit. Except Saul expelled all the mediums from the land. He went in secret and found a woman medium at Endor. The words Samuel's spirit had for Saul were not what he wanted to hear.
Sunday, September 8: An Odd Tales Summer: No Good Deed...
Sixteenth Sunday of Kingdomtide
2 Samuel 6:1-23 & 1 Chronicles 13:1-14 - King David, in consultation with his commanders, start to bring the Ark of the Covenant up from Baale-judah. The plan was to bring it to Jerusalem. But during the journey Uzzah, one of the men escorting the Ark, reached out to stabilize the Ark when the oxen pulling it lurched, and God struck him dead in anger. So David took the Ark to another location... until he learned the household of the people caring for the Ark had been greatly blessed.